Michelle Griffin

Green Party Councillor representing Ongar, working with local people, community and organisations.

My priorities as your Councillor

I welcome the opportunity to engage with all communities, and to work together with a view to social equity and livability.


Helping to deliver community facilities, additional childcare services and youth services that
serve the needs of the community. Improving community policing in Ongar.


Protecting and enhancing our environment through the implementation of the Fingal
Biodiversity and Climate Action Plans to ensure a heathier future for us all.


Working with Fingal County Council to deliver more social and affordable housing, as well as protecting the rights of renters with the mission of trying to build a truly affordable life.

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My work in the community has taught me the value of bringing everyone together and made me realise my wish to connect with others, and to be a part of something bigger.

Housing Strategic Policy Committee.

Joint Policing Committee.

Hansfield Strategic Development Zone Steering Group

Comhairle na nÓg

When I'm not at work,

You'll find me at the allotment or in the garden.

"I'm dedicated to enhancing urban tree and wildlife systems and believe we can all take steps to address the climate emergency by reducing our carbon footprint."

Do you have any questions?

I'm looking forward to meeting you.

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Living with intention.

What would it look like for you in 2024?

As we find ourselves entering another New Year, I’m wondering how much of our lives are lived unconsciously, without much thought or intention. It might be helpful to stop once in a while. Pause. Give thought to.